Aldus Fletcher is a pawnshop owner from Red London.
Physical description[]
Fletcher has thin blond hair[1] and sun-tanned skin that bears many scars and marks. Cuff-like limiters circle his wrists, though the marks on the inside of his wrists are broken.[2]
Fletcher is a dishonest and determined man who would do anything to stay in control. He is also remarkably petty and vindictive, as exemplified by his dislike for Kell Maresh.[2]
At some point, Fletcher used his magic to control another; he was caught and his magic bound with limiters. He then paid his blood, soul, and years of his life to get the limiters broken.
Several years ago, Fletcher wanted to become business partners with Kell Maresh, though Kell declined.[3] One night, they played a game of Sanct with some others. At the end, only Fletcher and Kell remained and fought for a betting pool consisting of, i.a., a vial of hope sand, a water blade, and a coat with multiple sides.[2]
When they were on their last hand, Kell promised to work for Fletcher if he won.[3] Fletcher was certain he would win, but one of his cards changed in the last-minute—from a saint, the highest card, to a servant, the lowest card—because Kell sneaked an enchanted card into the set. Kell won and took his prizes, but let Fletcher have a rook from White London.[2]
The white rook[]
While Rhy Maresh's birthday procession tours through Red London's streets, a boy enters Fletcher's shop to inquire about his limiters. He shows them to the boy who pales at their sight and quickly leaves without buying or selling anything. Shortly afterward, another customers enters his shop.[2]
Later that day, Fletcher leaves his shop for a while. When he returns, he finds Kell and an unknown woman inside. The woman tries to attack Fletcher, but he stops and brings her to her knees by controlling her bones. Kell tells Fletcher that he needs the white rook he gave him years before; Fletcher replies that he will not sell it to him—he will sell it to the woman if she sleeps with him.
Then, Fletcher reveals that he alerted the royal guard via the scrying boards, and five guards storm into the shop. Four guards escort Kell outside while the fifth remains in the pawnshop. However, instead of giving Fletcher his reward for finding Kell, he slits his throat and leaves.[4]
Skills and abilities[]
- White London rook: A white rook Kell Maresh gave him after Fletcher lost a game of Sanct.[2] Lila Bard later takes it from Fletcher.[5]
- A Darker Shade of Magic
- A Conjuring of Light (mentioned only)
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Aldus Fletcher • Alucard Emery • Anisa Emery • Berras Emery • Calla • Elissa • Ellis • Emira Maresh • Fauna • Gen • Hastra • Isra • Ister • Jinnar • Kell Maresh • Lila Bard • Lisane • Mathieu • Maxim Maresh • Nokil Maresh • Parlo • Parrish • Reson Emery • Rhy Maresh • Staff • Tieren Serense • Tolners • Vis | |
Arnes • Night Market • Setting Sun • Soner Rast | |
Kell's coat |