Arnesian is a language spoken in Arnes . It is characterized as "sibilant and smooth"[1] as well as "fluid"; in Arnesian, words often run together.[2]
Glossary[3] [ ]
Numbers [ ]
1: on
2: sessa
3: ris
4: tal
5: nissa
6: son
7: vis
8: volo
9: ossa
10: non
Words [ ]
An — a flexible word; it means either I , a , or no , depending on the context
Anos (adj.) — eternal
Anoshe (n., excl., ah-NOsh /[4] Ah-noe-sh )[5] — the closest thing to a farewell
Arensor (n.) — attendant, assistant
Arna (n.) — mistress, madam, term of respect
Ast (n.) — sun
Astal (v.) — to rise, prepare
Av (v) — day(s)
Aven (adj.) — lit. blessed; can mean: chosen, favored, cursed, other, apart[6]
Ayes (n.) — fields, pasture
Cas (adj.) — hot
Casero (n.) — captain
Cason (n.) — to take
Casnor (v.) — setting descending
Chas (n.) — faith
Choser (n.) — giants
Cryssac (n.) — gems, specifically elemental ones
Er (pro.) — much like an , a flexible word meaning that , it , or this
Era (adj.) — lost
Eran (adj.) — best
Erase (v.) — to come
Es (conj.) — or
Essen (n. or adj.) — balance, stability, purity
Essen Tasch (n.) — Element Games
Essenir (n.) — essential items, primarily in the execution of spells
Fera (adj.) — dark
Ferase (v.) — to go
Gast (n.) — thief
Gosar (n.) — banner
Hals (n.) — land
Hosna (n.) — ghost
Ir (prep.) — in
Ira (n.) — eye
Is (art.) — the
Kir (adj.) — a vibrant red
Lish (n.) — an order of coinage high than lin (ten lin make one lish)
Lin (n.) — a unit of coin, akin to a shilling
Marist (n.) — pleasure
Mas (pro.) — me or my
Merst (n.) — market
Nas (adv.) — a formal refusal
Nes (pro.) — them
Noche (n.) — night
Onase (n.) — head, as in head of a house; the highest position in an organisation
Ostra (n.) — London's elite
Pilse (n.) — a foul epithet
Postran (n.) — wardrobe
Priste (n.) — power
Rachenast (n.) — splendor
Ranes (n.) — copper
Renar (adj.) — late
Rast (n.) — heart
Renache (adj.) — away, elsewhere
Rosin (v.) — to give
Sanct (n. or interj.) — a game of cards ; also an exclamation of dismay or anger; lit. saints[7]
Sarenach (imp.) — surrender
Saren Noche (n.) — Night Spire
Sensan (v.) — sinking
Shal [note 1] (n.) — the slums, though the word is also used as a slang akin to cool!
Shast (n.) — a road, or a soul
Soner (adj.) — beating, steady
Stran (n.) — thread
Stras (n.) — waters, rivers
Strast (n.) — guard
Tas (pro.) — you or your
Tasura (n.) — party, event, function, gathering[8]
Tes (adj.) — a diminutive, little
Tessane (n.) — a hot herbal tea favored in the market
Tol (n.) — steel, or brother
Van (v.) — to tell
Vasar (v.) — to kill
Vasken (v.) — to pirate
Vares (n.) — prince; both a title and a common word, depending on the usage
Vesnara (v.) — wandering
Vestra (adj.) — belonging to one of the royal families
Viris (adj.) — foolish
Vitari (n., proper n., v.) — magic , Magic, or the act of creating magic
Phrases and sayings [ ]
Alos mas en.
Let me in.
An esto.
I'm coming.
An word of accord, akin to "sure."
Until next time.
As esher tan ves.
an idiomatic expression, meaning "I hope you are well."
As esta narash.
All things are.
Good evening or Hello.
Fal chas.
Good luck.
Ir chas.
Literally "in faith," an expression used to seal deals.
Ir chas era.
Literally "in faith lost," an idiomatic expression meaning "sore loser."
Is aven.
Ise av eran.
An idiomatic expression meaning "to each their secrets."
Ker tas naster.
There's your man.[10]
Kers la?
What's this?
Kes ile?
Don't you agree? Akin to the French "N'est-ce pas? "
Mas aven.
My goodness.
Mas marist
My pleasure.
Priste ir Essen. Essen ir Priste.
Power in Balance. Balance in Power.
Ras al!
Conventionally "watch out," though literally it means "good see."
Rensa tav.
Thank you.
Res naster.
Good sir/gentleman.
Ser asina gose.
You sound good.
Sores nast.
Sleep well.[11]
Stas reskon.
Chasing danger.
A sound of scorn.
Tas enol.
After you.
Vas ir!
"In peace," an idiomatic expression used as a casual good-bye.
Trivia [ ]
Arnesian was partly inspired by Turkish.[12]
References and notes [ ]
↑ "No Mother Tongue: Language in the World of Magic" — Tor/Forge Blog
↑ A Gathering of Shadows , III: Changing Tides, III
↑ Shades of Magic Collector's Editions — Arnesian Glossary
↑ "Anoshe = ah-NOsh, with the o like in 'no'"(V. E. Schwab on Tumblr )
↑ "is the e in „Anoshe“ stressed, unstressed or silent?" — "Unstressed. So Ah-noe-sh."(V. E. Schwab on Twitter )
↑ A Gathering of Shadows , V: Royal Welcome, III
↑ "Haha, well, literally it is SAINTS, but the way it's used, it basically means SHIT."(V. E. Schwab on Tumblr )
↑ A Gathering of Shadows , VI: Impostors, IV
↑ A Gathering of Shadows , III: Changing Tides, VI
↑ A Gathering of Shadows , VI: Impostors, V
↑ A Gathering of Shadows , III: Changing Tides, II
↑ "The languages in ADSOM are entirely fictional, but each draws from a different linguistic set and pattern, the Arnesian of Red London inspired by pieces of Turkish"(V. E. Schwab on Tumblr )
↑ The glossary misspells the term as sha . Within the books, it is consistently shal .(A Gathering of Shadows , II: Prince at Large, III; A Conjuring of Light , III: Fall or Fight, VI)