Shades of Magic Wiki

Captain Baliz Kasnov is a legendary[1] pirate and the captain of the Copper Thief.

Physical description[]

Kasnov is a very thin, almost skeletal looking, man with deep-set dark[2] eyes and receding black hair. Like every member of the Copper Thief, he has a tattoo of a knife on his throat.[1]


He is known for his gluttony which encompasses both treasures and especially food and drink.[1]


Raid at night[]

In early 1820, the Copper Thief is sailing to Sol, a coastal city, to steal a large shipment of liquor. On the way, Kasnov and his men spot a small rescue boat which carries a woman, Lila Bard, and a cask of ale. They bring both onboard, and Lila tells them that her ship full of riches, the Golden Fish, was hijacked by pirates. They then killed her husband, and bound her and put her on the small boat with the alcohol.

Interested in Lila, the ransom she could bring, and the valuables on her ship, Kasnov allows her to stay and brings her to his cabin. He leaves her there and returns to his crew on deck. While his crew drinks from Lila's ale, Kasnov does not. Thus, he is the only one not knocked out by the drugs Lila mixed into the alcohol.

When Lila comes on deck, Kasnov fights her but quickly loses. She kills him by cutting his neck.[3]

Skills and abilities[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 A Gathering of Shadows, I: Thief at Sea, I
  2. 2.0 2.1 A Gathering of Shadows, I: Thief at Sea, II
  3. A Gathering of Shadows, I: Thief at Sea, I-II


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