Shades of Magic Wiki

Barron is the former owner of the Stone's Throw, the Grey version of a fixed point in the four Londons.

Physical description[]

Barron is a tall man with thinning hair[1] and a beard. According to Kell Maresh, he is "built like a brick wall."[2]


Barron is grumpy and closed-up, preferring to keep things close to his vest and not intrude in other people's business.[3] While he would never admit it, he cares for others, particularly for Lila Bard.[4][5] Barron is also not very talkative.[2]



Almost a year ago—eleven months, two weeks, and a few days, to be exact—,[4] Barron and Lila Bard had a falling-out after she robbed one of his patrons.[6] As punishment, Barron wanted her to pay rent, though only with money she had earned, not stolen. He even offered to pay Lila if she helped run the tavern with him, but because Lila does not want to settle anywhere, she refused and left the Stone's Throw.[4]

Moving Back[]

In October 1819, Barron greets Kell when he comes to the Stone's Throw to conduct business with a Collector.[2] Later, at night, Lila arrives at the Stone's Throw while Barron is standing outside it, smoking and watching the docks. She tells him that the Sea King burned down and she needs a room to rent. She offers him a silver pocket watch as payment; Barron declines it, but lets her stay at the Stone's Throw nevertheless.[6]

The next day, Barron sees Lila give a beggar boy a bit of money and invites her inside to eat. Just when Lila is about to enter the tavern, they spot three boys robbing the beggar and leaving. Barron urges Lila not to bother and reminds her that she will get herself killed if she keeps being so reckless. Lila does not listen to him though and instead dons her Shadow Thief disguise. She tells him to look after the beggar boy and goes after the three thieves. Barron then calls the beggar over to him[7] and gives him a bowl of stew to eat.

When Lila returns, Barron asks her if she ran into trouble. Annoyed by his concern and her own failure, Lila simply tells him that she could handle everything before she heads upstairs to her room.[4]


Later that night, Lila drags a severely injured Kell to the Stone's Throw. Barron helps carry him upstairs and lay him on her bed. Lila tells him what happened to them: She met Kell after stealing an item from him, and then they were attacked by a man called Holland. She tells him that Holland "feels like Kell," and Barron surprises her by understanding what she means; that both Kell and Holland are magic. Barron then brings Lila food and Kell fresh clothes before he leaves them alone.[1] A few hours later, Barron wakes up when Kell and Lila leave.

Barron wakes up again when Holland searches Lila's room in the morning. He goes upstairs and shoots at Holland, but Holland stops the bullets and disarms Barron. Pinning Barron in place with bone magic, Holland asks him where Kell and Lila went. Barron says that he does not know, and Holland, not liking the answer, slits his throat.[5]


Lila Bard[]

Barron and Lila have a complicated relationship. Though her reckless behavior often irritates him, Barron still decided to become an anchor for her: He knows he cannot contain her, but is there for her whenever she needs him.[5] In turn, Lila is bothered by Barron's kindness and concern because she does not like owing others, and tries to keep a certain distance between them, as they are not family even if Barron behaves like they were.[4][1] Nevertheless, Lila is close to and fond of Barron, and his death greatly pains her and even makes her cry.[8]

Only years after his death, Lila begins to call him her family.[9]


  • Shotgun: A half-rusted gun that Barron seldom uses. He keeps it on the wall of his room.[5]
  • Silver pocket watch: Lila gives Barron the pocket watch as payment.[10]



  • Barron is known to water down the drinks in his tavern.[2]
  • He smokes cigars,[6] and snores.[10]
  • It is not easy to surprise Barron.[6]
  • Lila eventually names her ship after him.[11]
  • He never told Lila about Kell because Lila never consistently lived in the Stone's Throw and Barron is "the kind of man who kept things close to the vest." He had no reason to inform her about Kell, especially considering that he does not understand Kell's role.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 A Darker Shade of Magic, VII: The Follower, III
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 A Darker Shade of Magic, I: The Traveler, III
  3. 3.0 3.1 Not telling Lila — V. E. Schwab's comment on YouTube
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 A Darker Shade of Magic, VI: Thieves Meet, II
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 A Darker Shade of Magic, VIII: An Arrangement, III
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 A Darker Shade of Magic, III: Grey Thief, III
  7. A Darker Shade of Magic, V: Black Stone, I
  8. A Darker Shade of Magic, IX: Festival & Fire, IV
  9. The Fragile Threads of Power, IX: The Threads that Bind, II
  10. 10.0 10.1 A Darker Shade of Magic, VIII: An Arrangement, I
  11. The Fragile Threads of Power, II: The Captain and the Ghost, I