Shades of Magic Wiki
Black London
"They didn't really want to know. They thought they did, but knowing only made them miserable."
This article contains plot details and potential spoilers for the Shades of Magic series. If you have not begun reading the books or are not too far into the story, please do refrain from reading.

Princess Cora Taskon is a princess of Vesk and one of Queen Lastra's seven children.

Physical description[]

Cora is a tall girl with long, honey-blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Unlike most Veskans, she is not burly; instead, she has a narrow physique that makes her look fragile and petite. She also has a "cherubic smile."[1]




Cora and her family visited Red London and the Maresh family twelve years ago. Three years ago, when the Essen Tasch was held in Vesk, Cora terrorized Rhy Maresh who came to spectate the tournament with his mother, Queen Emira.[1]

Essen Tasch[]

In February 1820, Cora and her brother Col Taskon travel to Red London for the Essen Tasch. They greet the Arnesian royal family in the Rose Hall, and when it is time to mingle with the gathered guests, Cora immediately approaches Kell Maresh. She tells him that they will dance at the tournament balls, and he accepts. Satisfied, Cora then goes to one of her attendants.[1]


Titles and styles[]

  • 1803/04 — March 1820: Her Royal Highness Princess Cora of Vesk


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 A Gathering of Shadows, V: Royal Welcome, IV


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