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The Essen Tasch of 1820 was held in Red London, Arnes, and organized by Prince Rhy Maresh.



Because Kisimyr Vasrin won the previous Essen Tasch in Vesk,[1] the tournament of 1820 takes place in Arnes. King Maxim Maresh appointed his son, Prince Rhy, as the main organizer and host of the event.[2] His mother, Queen Emira, and two ostra attendants, Lisane and Parlo, assisted him; they mainly oversaw the accomodations for the foreign emissaries, Prince Col and Princess Cora Taskon of Vesk and Lord Sol-in-Ar of Faro.[3]

Rhy petitioned Tieren Serense, who is in charge of selecting the Arnesian participants for the tournament, to allow his brother Kell Maresh to compete under an alias, despite him being an Antari and, thus, not allowed to participate. Understanding the necessity of Kell's attendance, Tieren reluctantly added him to the rooster.[4]


The three arenas are temporary buildings that float on the Isle; they can be reached via bridges. The stadiums are made of stone and octagonal in shape; canvas stretches over each of them.

Rhy designed the three arenas and commissioned the best metal- and earthworkers in Arnes to create them.[2]

  • Eastern arena: It is covered in sculpted scales, and ice dragon statues in the Isle circle the arena.[2]
  • Central arena: It is covered in fabric feathers, and canvas birds fly over it.[2]
  • Western arena: It is covered in grassy fur, and eight stone lions are the arena's posts. Each lion has a different pose, "a captured moment in the narrative of predator and prey."[2]


Known competitors[]


Name Mask Pennant
Alucard Emery dark blue dragon mask with scales[5] a silver feather on a dark blue background[6]
Brost plain strip of metal over the eyes[7]
Jinnar silver crown curled like a "swirl of air"[5] purple on a silver background[8]
Kamerov Loste silver helmet with wing marks above the ears[9] two lions in black and white and lined with gold mirroring each other on a red background[7]
Kisimyr Vasrin gold[10] catlike mask[7] red cat on a gold background[8]
Stasion Elsor black demon mask with curled-back horns and a detachable piece which covers mouth and throat[11] two crossing silver knives on a black background[12]


Name Mask Pennant
Tas-on-Mir simple helmet that frames the face[6] silver-blue spiral on black background[6]
Tos-an-Mir gold mask[13] black spiral on silver-blue background[6]
Ver-as-Is mask which covers half the head[14] pale green[14]


Name Mask Pennant
Otto helmet with a nose plate and a domed skull[6] three stacked white triangles on a green background[6]
Rul steel canine mask[15] blue wolf on white background[15]
Sar Tanak hawkish mask[16] made of wood and metal with horns, snout, and slitted eyes[17] a yellow X on a blue background[17]


Legend: Arnes Vesk Faro

First round[18][]

Competitor Competitor Arena
Alucard Emery Earth Otto Fire East
Kisimyr Vasrin[note 1] Losen West
Jinnar Air Unnamed Faroan Central
Kamerov Loste Water Tas-on-Mir Air West/[16] Central[6]
Sar Tanak Earth Stasion Elsor Fire West

Second round[19][]

Competitor Competitor Arena
Alucard Emery Earth Water Jinnar Air [note 2]
Kamerov Loste Water Earth Kisimyr Vasrin Water Earth [note 2]
Stasion Elsor Fire Water Ver-as-Is Earth West

Third round/The nines[20][15][]

Group 1[]

Competitor Competitor Arena
Kamerov Loste Water Earth Rul Earth Fire Central
Kamerov Loste Water Earth Stasion Elsor Fire Water
Rul Earth Fire Stasion Elsor Fire Water East

Rul qualified for the finale.

Group 2[]

Alucard Emery qualified for the finale.

Group 3[]

Tos-an-Mir qualified for the finale.

Fourth round/Finale[13][]

Competitor Competitor Competitor Arena
Alucard Emery Water Earth Air Rul Earth Fire Tos-an-Mir Air Fire Central


  • The real Stasion Elsor's mask is carved out of wood and has ram-like horns on the side that curl against one's cheeks and a nose plate.[21]
  • Kamerov's original pennant featured two mirroring black-and-white roses surrounded by thorns on a red background.[12]

References and notes[]

  1. A Gathering of Shadows, V: Royal Welcome, IV
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 A Gathering of Shadows, IV: Londons Calling, I
  3. A Gathering of Shadows, III: Changing Tides, I
  4. A Gathering of Shadows, IV: Londons Calling, II
  5. 5.0 5.1 A Gathering of Shadows, VII: Intersections, II
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 A Gathering of Shadows, VIII: The Essen Tasch, IV
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 A Gathering of Shadows, VIII: The Essen Tasch, I
  8. 8.0 8.1 A Gathering of Shadows, IX: Collision Course, I
  9. A Gathering of Shadows, IV: Londons Calling, III
  10. A Gathering of Shadows, Bonus short story: "The Consequence of Triumph"
  11. A Gathering of Shadows, VII: Intersections, I
  12. 12.0 12.1 A Gathering of Shadows, VII: Intersections, III
  13. 13.0 13.1 A Gathering of Shadows, X: Catastrophe, VI
  14. 14.0 14.1 A Gathering of Shadows, IX: Collision Course, II
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 A Gathering of Shadows, X: Catastrophe, III
  16. 16.0 16.1 A Gathering of Shadows, VIII: The Essen Tasch, III
  17. 17.0 17.1 A Gathering of Shadows, VIII: The Essen Tasch, V
  18. A Gathering of Shadows, VIII: The Essen Tasch, III-V
  19. A Gathering of Shadows, IX: Collision Course, I-II
  20. A Gathering of Shadows, IX: Collision Course, III-IV
  21. A Gathering of Shadows, VI: Impostors, V

  1. While it is known that Kisimyr is a dual, both a waterworker and an earthworker, it is unknown which element she used against Losen.
  2. 2.0 2.1 While it is unknown which arena it was, the matches between Alucard and Jinnar, Kamerov and Kisimyr were fought in the same one.