Shades of Magic Wiki

Fauna is the owner of the Ruby Fields.

Physical description[]

Fauna has grey hair.[1]


She is a hardheaded woman.[2] According to Kell Maresh, Fauna has "the mouth of a sailor" and "the temper of a drunk."[3]



Years ago, Kell made a deal with Fauna to get the room above her tavern.[3] In exchange, he gave her a token from White London.[4]

The Black Stone[]

Fauna furrows her brow at Kell when he rushes into her tavern and runs upstairs to his room while escaping from some cutthroats.[1] The next day, Holland Vosijk tracks Kell's magic to the Ruby Fields and encloses it in a binding circle before he sets fire to the building. Fauna and everyone else inside burn down screaming.[5]



  • Kell thinks Fauna might have gotten along with Lila Bard due to their similar personalities.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 A Darker Shade of Magic, V: Black Stone, IV
  2. 2.0 2.1 A Darker Shade of Magic, IX: Festival & Fire, III
  3. 3.0 3.1 A Darker Shade of Magic, II: Red Royal, III
  4. A Darker Shade of Magic, IX: Festival & Fire, IV
  5. A Darker Shade of Magic, IX: Festival & Fire, III-IV


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Red London