Shades of Magic Wiki

Gen is one of Rhy Maresh's royal guards, along with Parrish.

Physical description[]

As a royal guard, Gen wears a red cloak with gold fanning over armor, and a helmet.[1]


Gen is a carefree man and often convinces his partner Parrish to loosen up; still, he takes his job very seriously. He is also a sore loser.[2]


The Antari from afar[]

In October 1819, Gen plays Sanct with Parrish while they are guarding Rhy Maresh from outside his room. Gen wins twice; when he asks Parrish if he wants to play another round, Parrish declines and goes to the bathroom. After Parrish left, Holland Vosijk arrives and sends Gen away.[1]

The Black Night[]

A few days later, Rhy gives Gen and Parrish a few hours off so that they can enjoy his birthday festivities. While they walk along the riverbanks, Gen frowns at a woman wearing men's clothes before Parrish tells him that he spotted a woman with black eyes. Gen only dismisses him, saying that he must have drunk too much. They then see a man forcibly kissing a woman before staggering off.

Gen and Parrish follow the man, and when they corner him, he turns around and reveals his black eyes and blackened hand. The man speaks in an unfamiliar language before ramming his hand through Gen's chest. Gen dies and becomes possessed by the power of the black stone. After Parrish destroys the other host's body, Gen stabs him in the side and cuts off his head.[2]

"Gen" then heads to Soner Rast where he kills a guard.[3] He continues to the royal chambers; just when he arrives, the black stone's magic is dispelled, and he dies anew.[4]



Because Gen and Parrish were both assigned to Rhy, they spend most of their time together. They are close, and Gen often teases Parrish, e.g., for worshipping Kell Maresh.[1]


  • Short sword: His primary weapon as a member of the royal guard.



  • His name is pronounced "Jen."[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 A Darker Shade of Magic, II: Red Royal, I
  2. 2.0 2.1 A Darker Shade of Magic, X: One White Rook, VI
  3. A Darker Shade of Magic, XII: Sanctuary & Sacrifice, III
  4. A Darker Shade of Magic, XIII: The Waiting King, VI
  5. "GEN is pronounced JEN."
    (V. E. Schwab on Tumblr)


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