Shades of Magic Wiki
Black London
"They didn't really want to know. They thought they did, but knowing only made them miserable."
This article contains plot details and potential spoilers for the Shades of Magic series, particularly for The Fragile Threads of Power. If you have not begun reading the books or are not too far into the story, please do refrain from reading.

The London Sanctuary is a sanctuary located in Red London, on its southern bank.[1] Its current head is Ezril.


The sanctuary is a simple stone building located at the edge of Red London, at a riverbend. People come to the sanctuary to study magic, specifically the essence, origin, and source of magic.

All private rooms are narrow, high-ceilinged, and have no windows. They are only equipped with essential items as the sanctuary abhors distraction: a wooden desk, a low cot, and a nightstand on which an infinite candle burns. Furthermore, the rooms are cool like crypts.

When Kell Maresh was a child, he split his time between the sanctuary and the palace to learn about magic. He permanently moved into the palace on Rhy Maresh's insistence, though Tieren Serense let Kell keep his room at the sanctuary. Kell marked his rooms at the palace and the sanctuary with an X so that he can open a door between them.[2]

Known members[]


  • Ezril (tenth Aven Essen)
  • Ister


Known guests[]


  1. A Gathering of Shadows, VI: Impostors, II
  2. A Darker Shade of Magic, XII: Sanctuary & Sacrifice, I