Shades of Magic Wiki
Black London
"They didn't really want to know. They thought they did, but knowing only made them miserable."
This article contains plot details and potential spoilers for the Shades of Magic series. If you have not begun reading the books or are not too far into the story, please do refrain from reading.

The Map to Everywhere is a pirate cypher Lila Bard stole from a shop in Grey London. For years, she called it her "map to anywhere" before finding out that it was from Red London and could show hidden locations.


Lila keeps the cypher alongside other maps in her cabin on the Sea King. Because it is her favorite map, it is spread out on her desk, weighted down with various other stolen trinkets. After Lila sets the ship on fire, she takes the cypher with her to the Stone's Throw.[2]

Lila leaves the map at the tavern before travelling to Red London.[3] After the Black Night, Kell Maresh visits the Stone's Throw and takes Lila's map with him.[4]


  1. A Darker Shade of Magic, III: Grey Thief, III
  2. A Darker Shade of Magic, III: Grey Thief, II-III
  3. A Darker Shade of Magic, XIV: The Final Door, IV
  4. A Gathering of Shadows, III: Changing Tides, V