Shades of Magic Wiki
Black London
"They didn't really want to know. They thought they did, but knowing only made them miserable."
This article contains plot details and potential spoilers for the Shades of Magic series. If you have not begun reading the books or are not too far into the story, please do refrain from reading.

Mrs. Laros is Kell Maresh's biological mother.

Physical description[]

Mrs. Laros has the typical appearance of an Arnesian: tanned skin and dark hair, though her hair is also threaded with copper.

She used to wear only long-sleeved clothes to cover her limiter markings.[1]


At some point, Mrs. Laros committed a crime so severe that she was given the highest punishment in Arnes: limiters to bind her magic.

In 1798, she gave birth to a son whom she and her husband named Kastion. Because her son was an Antari, she and her husband took him to the Ferase Stras to sell him to the Arnesian royal family when he was five years old.

In slight discomfort, Mrs. Laros and her husband watched their son being tested by Maris Patrol. After confirming that he was indeed an Antari, Maris' nephew Valick gave Mr. Laros the bounty and freed Mrs. Laros of her limiters. Tieren Serense then pardoned her for her crimes, and Mrs. Laros immediately tested out her magic again.

With the transaction done, Mrs. Laros said goodbye to her son and gave him a small silver dagger before she and her husband left him on the market ship.[1]

Skills and abilities[]

Former possessions[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 A Conjuring of Light, Bonus short story: "A Life Erased"