Shades of Magic Wiki

The Night Market is a marketplace along the Isle in Red London.


The lantern-lit Night Market consists of many colorful tents that sell a wide variety of goods: clothing,[1] flowers, nourishment (fresh and candied fruit, mulled wine, etc.), magic amplifiers (often jewelry), scrying boards, water from the Isle in vials, etc.[2] Many tents are warded against thieves.[3] Performers, e.g. musicians and street mages, also do shows at the market.[2]

Despite the name, the Night Market is open at all times. The market got its name from the fact that its activity peaks at night.[4]

Known tents[]

  • Essenir ("essential items"): A stall that sells polished stones in various colors. Lila Bard tries to steal a blue-green stone from the tent and is promptly caught.[3]
  • Is Postran ("The Wardrobe"): A green tent at the end of the market[5] and close to Soner Rast.[1] It sells clothes and accessories, and is run by Calla.



  1. 1.0 1.1 A Darker Shade of Magic, XI: Masquerade, I
  2. 2.0 2.1 A Darker Shade of Magic, II: Red Royal, II
  3. 3.0 3.1 A Darker Shade of Magic, IX: Festival & Fire, I
  4. "Week 3- Shades of Magic Readalong" — V. E. Schwab on YouTube
  5. A Conjuring of Light, V: Ash and Atonement, II
  6. A Universe of Wishes: "A Royal Affair", VI


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Red London