Shades of Magic Wiki

Ojka is an artificially created Antari and the personal knight of Holland Vosijk.

Physical description[]

Ojka has shoulder-length red hair with flat bangs and mismatched eyes: Her right eye is yellow, the left one is black. The abundance of magic in her body makes her veins stand out black on her pale skin, and strengthens her muscles. For that reason, Ojka is very strong although her body is still thin and bony. She is also covered in scars; one runs across her cheek and down to her jaw and throat. Ojka is proud of her scars because she "earned" them all. Moreover, she has a dancer's grace.

Before she became an artificial Antari, Ojka had pale hair and both her eyes were yellow.[1]


Ojka is cunning and dangerous, attributes she honed all her life living in the harshest part of White London. She is a good liar and actress, as she managed to trick Kell Maresh into following her to White London. She is also deeply loyal to Holland;[1] not even when he tested a torture collar on her did her loyalty to him waver.


Early life[]

Ojka was born and raised in the Kosik, the most dangerous district of White London. Because of that, she learned how to fight and defend herself early on. Eventually, Ojka was chosen by Holland to become his knight. He imbued her with Osaron's power, turning her into an artificially created Antari.[1]

Blossoming White London[]

In winter 1820, Ojka trains outside. Afterward, she marvels at the reviving city on her way to the White Castle; there, she meets Holland in the throne room.[1]

Skills and abilities[]

  • Dancing: Ojka is a skilled dancer, having danced since childhood. Her background as a dancer reflects itself in her fighting style; her movements are particularly graceful and elegant.[1]
  • Dual weaponry: She is talented in fighting with two weapons at the same time.[1]
  • Magic: Ojka is a metalworker.[1]


  • Cord knives: Ojka's weapon of choice. Two knives that are connected to each other with a black cord.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 A Gathering of Shadows, II: Prince at Large, V


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White London