Shades of Magic Wiki

The Ruby Fields (Is Kir Ayes) is a tavern in Red London. It is run by Fauna.


The Ruby Fields is a two-storied tavern. It is located close to the street Ves Anash.[1]

Kell Maresh owns the narrow[2] room on the top floor and uses it to store his smuggling goods. He marked the window and door with illegal spells that prevent anyone from finding the room,[3] or even seeing that stairs leading upstairs exist.[2] Kell also connected the room with a symbol—an X—to his private library at Soner Rast so that he can easily travel between the places by using Antari magic.[3]


Years ago, Kell made a deal with Fauna to get the room above the Ruby Fields.

In October 1819, Kell visits the tavern to inspect and drop off his newest acquistion, a music box. He falls asleep while listening to the music box's song.[3] The next day, Kell tries to hide at the Ruby Fields because cutthroats are chasing him. He cannot, however, because a tracing spell was placed on a parcel he received. He then escapes through the window.[2]

One day later, Holland Vosijk tracks back Kell's magic to the Ruby Fields and burns down the tavern, with people still inside.[4]


  • Kell rarely enters the tavern through the front door.[2]


  1. A Darker Shade of Magic, IX: Festival & Fire, I
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 A Darker Shade of Magic, V: Black Stone, IV
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 A Darker Shade of Magic, II: Red Royal, III
  4. A Darker Shade of Magic, IX: Festival & Fire, III-IV