“ | Powell claimed the Sea King was as sturdy as ever. Still fit for the high seas, he swore. Lila swore it was hardly fit for the swell of the London port's swells. | ” |
—A Darker Shade of MagicIII: Grey Thief, II |
The Sea King is Powell's ship.
The Sea King is a very old and filthy ship with rotten wood and peeled-off paint. Because of its poor state, the ship is barely able to float on the Thames.
Lila Bard's room is small and furnished with a cot, a desk, a chair, and a small coal stove.[1]
At some point, Powell and Lila made an arrangement that she could reside in the ship's spare cabin if she gave him some of the money she stole every night.[1]
Fire and Destruction[]
In October 1819, Lila returns to the Sea King and retreats to her cabin. While she tries to rest, Powell vists her in th cabin to collect the lease. She pays him, but, dissastified by the amount, Powell attempts to violate Lila to make up for it. However, before Powell can do anything, Lila attacks and kills him by driving a dagger into his gut. She then collects her possessions and pours the whiskey Powell brought to the cabin over the corpse she sets everything on fire and leaves for the Stone's Throw.[1]
- Despite the Sea King's state, Lila is still fond of the ship. Every night, she goes to the ship's steering wheel to imagine herself as its captain.[1]
- When Lila arrives at Rhy Maresh's birthday party, she lets herself be introduced as Captain Bard of the Sea King.[2]
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