Shades of Magic Wiki

Vesk is a country in Red London's world.



To Vesk's south lies the Maresh Empire.[1][2]


Religion and beliefs[]

The Veskans' view on magic is similar to that of Arnesians. They see the mountains in their country as a source of magic that brings them closer to their gods, who each represents and embodies a different element. Because of that, they place great value on physical strength; in their eyes, they can acquire greater power "the more like mountains" they are.[3] Furthermore, Veskans believe that Antari are able to control seasons and tides.[4]


The official language of Vesk is Veskan.


  • Crat'a — pillar[5]
  • Glad'ach — welcome[6]
  • Ta' ch — Don't[7]
  • Tan' och — Honor[8]

Phrases and sayings[]

  • Gradaich an'ach — It is my pleasure.[9]
  • Glad-ach! Anagh cael tach. — Good morning, to all who have gathered.[10]

Known rulers[]

Vesk is ruled by the Taskon dynasty:


  • Veskans are known for their fair skin, fair hair, and tall, burly stature. For that reason, some Arnesians call them "giants."[11]
  • Veskan trading ships often look like they have been carved from one single, large piece of black wood.[12]
  • In the Grey London world, Vesk reaches from "Scandinavia over through Eastern Russia."[2]


  1. A Darker Shade of Magic, X: One White Rook, IV
  2. 2.0 2.1 "The Arnesian empire is essentially the top half of Europe, over to Poland. The Veskan empire is Scandinavia over through Eastern Russia. The Faroan Empire is the southern half of Europe through Northern Africa. Beyond that, other empires, other stories."
    (V. E. Schwab on Twitter)
  3. A Gathering of Shadows, V: Royal Welcome, I
  4. A Gathering of Shadows, II: Prince at Large, II
  5. A Gathering of Shadows, III: Changing Tides, I
  6. A Gathering of Shadows, X: Catastrophe, VI
  7. A Conjuring of Light, VII: Setting Sail, VI
  8. A Conjuring of Light, XV: Anoshe, II
  9. A Gathering of Shadows, V: Royal Welcome, IV
  10. A Gathering of Shadows, VIII: The Essen Tasch, II
  11. A Gathering of Shadows, III: Changing Tides, VI
  12. A Gathering of Shadows, III: Changing Tides, III


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